Hide God’s Word in Your Heart

Tonight at Fusion we discussed the need to hide God’s word in your heart (Ps. 119:9-11).  Sure we’ve heard about it and people are always telling us it is wise to memorize scripture, but when are we actually going to resolve to do it?

The time is now.

Just like we leave in the morning with the things we need in our pockets, bags, or purses to help us through the day and be prepared, we must be prepared by hiding God’s Word in our hearts!  We can’t wait or hope we can make it through the day.  We must anticipate being tempted and tested all day long, and so we need to have scripture memorized so that we are literally armed to fight against the temptation.

So get some notecards, write the verses on one side and the reference on the back, and get started.  Find the areas in your life where you are currently struggling (worry, selfishness, lack of contentment, lust, loneliness, etc.) and find some verses that state God’s thoughts on those subjects.  Memorize them.  Chew on them.  And have them ready for when the battle comes.  When the temptation comes, don’t expect to be able to stand firm in your own reasoning.  Hide God’s Word in your heart!

Here are some sites to get you started:

  • Topical Memory Systemthis is a topical memory system I developed and worked through a few years ago and ranges on topics but tries to equip you in areas in which you need to know the Word.
  • Navigators – the Navigators set the bar for Scripture memory.  They have a topical memory system to put verses together in categories which allows you to work through the scriptures.  This site actually has flashcards for you to use.
  • Biblical Counseling Workshop – this site gives you a list of verses to memorize and also displays them for you.
  •  Bible Verse Site – this site has a great list of scriptures.  If you are not too keen on the King James’ English, then you can memorize them in your preferred translation, but this list is done be categories and really helpful.
  • Mentoring Disciples – these verses are also categorized by different topics.