Balance – The Rest of You

Today, we finished up the Balance series at North Side. I finished with a message entitled “The Rest of You.” As we studied the church in Laodicea in Revelation 3, we saw that the people there were a lot like us. They were lukewarm. They were too far from the source. And when we find ourselves deep in sin or our lives falling apart, we should look to see how near we are to Jesus. The greatest gift you will ever give the world is your intimacy with God.

Due to all of weather yesterday in Greenwood and my inability to get in my home and work on the message, I really prayed that God would bring it all together this morning. As I was sitting in my office before 7 this morning, I was experiencing Jesus working on me and not working on my message. He was convicting me – I was hoping for us to work on the message, and he still had some stuff he wanted to work on in my own heart. I pray that you answered the knocking today.

Here’s the intimacy checklist below. Could this be said of your own relationship with Jesus?

  • You spend time together and it goes by quickly. Hours seem to turn into minutes.
  • You miss each other when separated and long to be together again.
  • You rearrange your schedule to make yourself available for the other person.
  • You relate everything about you to the one your love. You want the way you talk, love and act to please your loved one.
  • You give extravagantly. There are no limits to your gifts.
  • Spending time together is not burdensome. You do not have to be coaxed into giving your beloved your time.
  • You find fulfillment in your love’s presence. It does not matter what you do or don’t do as long as you are together.
  • You talk about everything but also enjoy just being quiet together.
  • You like to be alone with that person as often as possible.
  • Your loved one has no competition for your affection.
  • You may appear foolish to others when with your loved one because you are oblivious to anything else around you.
  • You read his/her love notes over and over.

Today, we worshiped to these songs:

  • He Knows My Name – Tommy Walker
  • Open the Eyes – Paul Baloche
  • Better is One Day – Passion
  • I Exalt Thee – Israel and the New Breed
  • God of this City – Passion

Greater ThingsDon’t forget about Friday’s prayer service! We are going to pray that God does greater things in Greenwood than he’s ever done before. Click on the picture to get more information about our Good Friday Prayer Service.

And don’t forget to intercede, invest, and invite this week! Remember all those names on the stage today? 82% of them would come to church next week if they are simply asked!