I’m Going to Get Expelled

ben steinAt North Side on Sunday, Fred mentioned his support of an upcoming film entitled, Expelled. Ben Stein, who I thought was just that funny looking, boring sounding guy who played as random cameos in TV shows and movies, turns out to be a very involved figure in American classroom and political circles over the last few decades.

He is very concerned about the state of our public education. He believes that no longer is Christianity only looked down upon by many educational environments, he believes that many brilliant Christians are being persecuted for their beliefs in intelligent design. Due to what he sees happening in our society, he has put together a documentary entitled, Expelled, which is making its way to movie theaters Friday, April 18th. It is coming to Greenwood’s Dickinson Theaters on Friday – times haven’t been announced yet.

Fred showed a short trailer in the service today, but below is a longer explanation of the film. This seven-minute “super trailer” is worth the watch. It is very intriguing. I plan on getting “expelled” this weekend. Are you?