Update on Eli (Getting Closer)

We did receive on update on Eli yesterday.  With our agency, families pass through court in groups and then also travel together.  Group 91 to Ethiopia was processed through court yesterday, and we were not on the list.  While that is sad, it seems very sure that we are going to be in the next group.  The next group will most probably pass through court in the next 2-3 weeks.

After that, it will probably be 2-3 more weeks before travel.  That means that my previous guesswork at when I would travel is probably pretty close.  I think I will be leaving the States on April 16th.  If not then, its sometime near that.  If I go on that date, all of my responsibilities for family, church, Lander, weddings, and such will be taken care of without too much craziness.

This Sunday night in the nursery, I came upon Obadiah in the bye bye buggy.  This wonderful contraption is normally used by nursery workers to ride children in, but my son has to be the one wanting to help push the other kids.  When I picked him up, Keri told me that he kept going to a little boy in the nursery, waving in his face, saying “Hi, E-ya.”  The little boy did look a lot like Eli’s picture, so we thought it was real sweet.  In case you are wondering, Obie doesn’t say that to every little black boy he encounters, this one really did look a lot like him.  I tried to tell Obie that wasn’t Eli, but I don’t know if he bought it.

Obie loves to say names now.  It is a regular occurrence that Obie starts going through the roll-call of family members.  Lately, he points around the room and says, “Daddy, Mommy, Obie, Eli, Daddy, Mommy, Obie, Eli.”  The boy is getting that something is special about Eli.  It’s wonderful to see God preparing his heart.

As we continue to wait, it’s hard, yet we trust God’s timing.  It is pretty crazy to think that unless something crazy happens (which can happen in adoption), my second son will be home next month.  I just loved even writing that!

In the meantime, if you are a praying person, we would love the support:

  • Pray for Eli’s development – pray that he gets enough food, interaction, and love during these days.  Pray an unknown hope wells up in his soul that something beautiful like a family is coming as fast as they can.
  • Pray for Nesting – as we prepare our hearts and our home for a second child, there is all types of things to consider.  Not knowing how Eli will sleep and such, we are a bit in limbo.  If you know Amanda and myself, you know that is a place we don’t naturally go to – we like to get things rolling.  So as we prepare, pray God’s guidance over preparations we need to make.
  • Pray for Workload – I love having a busy job, but the hard thing about it is preparing to leave for an unknown amount of time and having everything in order.  I’ve got to take care of a lot before I go at church, Lander, and some other opportunities.  Please pray that as I prepare and try to get ahead, I won’t neglect the most important things in life either.
  • Pray for Logistics – as we continue to finalize paperwork, arrange travel setup, work on finances and such, please pray that God’s hand be in every single step we take during these last days.
  • Pray for a Supernatural Homecoming – while Obie is real excited, we know that jealousy will set in at some time.  Even if our second child was biological, it would happen, but just pray for a special attitude by Obadiah that he shows an unnatural amount of love by a 2 year old for his brother.  Pray for our family, friends, and church as he comes home so that Eli truly does feel at home as soon as we touch down in South Carolina.

We have been so honored for the prayers going up and the support that people like you have shown us.  Thank you so much for walking down this path together!

15 thoughts on “Update on Eli (Getting Closer)”

  1. Now I understand…yo​u don't have a number. Tara is some better here in Charlotte. Robie had more surgery this morning. Jess is with him.

  2. Now I understand…you don't have a number. Tara is some better here in Charlotte. Robie had more surgery this morning. Jess is wit

  3. Very excited about the new "delivery". Amanda might say it is physically easier than the last one, but emotionally not-so-much. I am so super excited for you guys.My Amanda wants to adopt a little boy (or boys) from Kenya so this international knowledge you are getting will bless our family one day as well. praying praying praying God's timing is always pe

  4. Very excited about the new "delivery". Amanda might say it is physically easier than the last one, but emotionally not-so-much. I am so super excited for you guys.My Amanda wants to adopt a little boy (or boys) from Kenya so this international knowledge you are getting will bless our family one day as well. praying praying praying God's timing is always perfect.

  5. Travis,

    It was again so good to see you this past Sunday. We love your family so much and are truly praying for you, Amanda, Obie and Eli. We are here for you if you need anything.


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