God is Good (And So is His Creation)

A simple threefold pattern describes the first six days of Creation.  In each day, something was stated, created, and affirmed.  God spoke something into existence.  He used words.  He said, “Let there be light.”  Using solely words, light burst forth at 670,616,629.2 miles per hour across nothing to illuminate the beginning of something.  God stated, and with those words, he created.  Each day, reflecting upon the day’s work, he would affirm it.  He saw that it was “good.”  It wasn’t evil.  It wasn’t imperfect.  It wasn’t lacking.  God’s creation was good.

God’s creation was the way it was intended to be before something so vile began to corrupt something so good.  In these first days, everything was new and vibrant and life-giving.  It was good.  It couldn’t help but be good — God created it.

He is good and it is only fitting that his creation would reflect his character.

WIthin these days of Creation, God reveals himself to be an orderly deity.  He apparently likes things to line up and have systems and reasonings behind every thing to which he sets his hand.  His creative process maintains that each day of Creation is ingeniously linked together with another day appropriately separated by a three day span.

On one day, he created the environment.  Three days later, he would create the inhabitants for that particular environment.  On day one, God created light.  On day four, God created the sun, moon, and stars.  On day two, God created the sky and the water.  It is only fitting that three days later he creates the birds to fly in the sky and the fish to swim in the water.  On day three, he creates the land, and three days later, he would fill up the land with walking and crawling creatures and a quirky, temperamental species known as mankind.  God created environments, then he created its inhabitants three days later.

On the seventh day, Scripture teaches that God rested from his creative work.  God wasn’t tired.  First off, the only materials he used to create was his words.  Second, he has storehouses of energy on reserve.  The prophet would later proclaim, “Have you not known?  Have you not heard?  The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth.  He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable” (Isa. 40:28).  It’s no accident that Isaiah’s words about God’s unwavering level of alertness also depicts him as the “Creator.”

God created for six days, and he rested for one day.  He rested not because he needed it, but because he knew we would.  He modeled a healthy rhythm for mankind to follow.  Work diligently for six days and pause to enjoy the work of your hands on the seventh day.  Work six days and trust God to squeeze seven days worth out of the time spent.  On this seventh day, God models for us and relishes in this very good creation (Gen. 1:31).