“Our Father” – Storytellers

“Our Father” was the song written for “Knowing Jesus” to capture the essence of Jesus’ prayer life.  In studying the gospels, you can’t escape from the fact that Jesus prayed a lot.  And when Jesus prayed, stuff happened.

Unfortunately, for many of us, our prayer life can be characterized by the statement: “All we have left to do now is pray.”  Can you imagine the Almighty God hearing such pathetic pleas as if He is a last resort?  Prayer is not a spare tire.  Prayer is not a last ditched effort.  Prayer – communion with God – shakes heaven and earth.

As I began to contemplate how to write this song, there are so many ways to approach it, but then I simply leaned on the Lord’s Prayer and it just kinda came out.  I just began singing Scripture, and the song came together fairly quickly.  Very simple and stripped down at the beginning then escalating to a pretty special place.  I had fun using some augmented chords and such to give some tension to the song.

The hardest part was which familiar words should stay and what should be replaced.  So many know the KJV version of the prayer, and many more do not know what “hallowed”, “art,” and “thine” means.

Anyway, it served as a link between Jesus’ calling the disciples (he spent a night in prayer before making the decision), and heading into his miracle ministry (which he oftentimes prayed aloud during the process).

Get chord charts for entire album here.

Listen to a snippet below or get your copy on iTunes.