Lyrics to “How We’ve Fallen”

So far, we have shared 5 songs from “The Word” project on a Sunday morning.  Yesterday, the fifth offering was a song entitled “How We’ve Fallen” and it tells the story of Adam and Eve succumbing to temptation and bringing about the Fall of Mankind (Genesis 3).  Since we were in James 1:15-17 on temptation, it made a great place to share it to open up the message for the day.

I asked my gracious wife to accompany me on singing about this event, and she added such dynamics to the song.  She said, “So, you think my voice is perfect for bringing about the Fall of all Mankind, uh?  Gee, thanks.”  😉

In the project, the song before it will be on creation and it sounds majestic and joyful.  Then as soon as sin enters the scene, everything gets bleak and dark.

But don’t fret, One is coming who can cover our shame!

Our band did a fantastic job of summarizing Genesis 3.  We tried to make sure every item was covered (God’s goodness, desire to be like God, Satan twisting God’s Word, lies, garments of skin, guilt, shame, blame, covering up, wrath of God, etc.).

I have received many requests desiring to have the lyrics as we wait for the project to be released, so I copied them below.

Pray these lyrics taken from Scripture will help you detect the enemy’s strategies and help fight against them.

How We’ve Fallen

All things that you made were good, yet they were not good enough
Might my suspicions be confirmed, are you keeping something from us?
The tempter twists your very words, I have chosen to believe his lie
Trading what I know is true for what’s pleasing to the eye

Oh, how we’ve fallen, oh, how we’ve wandered astray
Only you can cover our shame

As soon as the taste of sin subsides, the pow’r of guilt holds sway
Meager attempts to displace the blame, I’m unable to run away

We can try to hide, we can justify
We can point the blame, but the guilt’s the same
We cannot escape, from the wrath we face
O, God don’t turn away