God’s Design for Your Life

Fuge Camp at Liberty University – Opening Night

Matthew 22:15-22

Cultural forces and religious traditions war for our allegiance. Above all of our manmade expectations, God designed each of us to reflect something very specific.

  • Above all of our manmade expectations, God designed each of us to reflect something very specific.
  • The religious Pharisees and the political Herodians couldn’t stand each other but hated Jesus more.
  • We live in a time when religious and cultural forces are hostile towards the work of Christ.
  • Any item belongs to the one by whose image it has been stamped.
  • Your money is stamped with the image of the government, but your life has been stamped with the image of God.
  • Your stuff might belong to another, but your life belongs to God.
  • A creation never works accurately unless it works according to the design of its Creator.
  • You cannot follow Jesus by identifying with a defiant culture or a watered-down faith.
  • Sin disfigures God’s image on us, but Christ came to give us a makeover.