2022 Sermon Series

As we prepare for 2022, we know that we want to train our church to be Great Commission Christians. The preaching calendar reflects that heartbeat as we seek to be a healthy church getting healthier (1 Thessalonians), a group of disciples committed to the Kingdom (Parables of Jesus), and a collection of leaders developing into all who God called them to be (Nehemiah). Let’s pray that God will sanctify us through the Word of God and the Spirit of God in the coming year. 

1 Thessalonians

Heavenly Minded for Earthly Good

Paul’s letter to the Thessalonian church portrayed a healthy church that he hoped could even get healthier. In light of Christ’s return and the promise of heaven, this church could stand strong in the culture and make a difference in every context in which God placed them. At this critical time in our church’s life, it is important for us to become even more heavenly-minded for earthly good.


His Stories Changing Our Stories

When Jesus taught His disciples, He often used parables. They were Kingdom truths contained in memorable stories. His paradigm-shifting call for them is just as radical for us today. As we study these stories, they are guaranteed to alter our own.


God’s People United for God’s Work

During Nehemiah’s day, God’s people were discouraged and directionless. God raised up a leader to inspire other leaders to reinstate God’s people by uniting together for God’s original purposes. Met with significant challenges, they continued to press on to the work assigned to them. As we study this book together as a church, we will prayerfully accept the calling on our lives to be God’s people united for God’s work here in Greenville and beyond.

Fear Not

If you think our days are full of reasons to fear, you must consider what it must have been like during that first Christmas when God invaded some people’s plans for His own. Met by God, these individuals were all overwhelmed by uncertainty, but the presence and promise of God were meant to rid them of fear and embolden them to go forward. Jesus has come, and everything must change.

Planning Your Sermon Series?

If you would like to do long-range series planning, check out this free resource I made available.

2022 Sermon Planning Resource

Would you like a guide to help you prepare long-term sermon planning for next year? Here is a free resource to help you plan where God is leading you to lead your congregation.