πŸ—’οΈ Articles

πŸ—’οΈ Articles

Fear Not (Series Overview)

If you think our days are full of reasons to fear, you must consider what it must have been like during that first Christmas when God invaded some people’s plans for His own. Met by God, these individuals were all overwhelmed by uncertainty, but the presence and promise of God were meant to rid them of fear and embolden them to go forward.

πŸ—’οΈ Articles

2023 Sermon Series

While we don’t know what might happen in 2023, we know who will reign throughout it all, and that’s why we go to His Word for direction. In the Scriptures, we discover our redeemed identity and our redirected activity.

πŸ—’οΈ Articles

3 Steps to Staying Thankful

When everyone seems stressed out, it isn’t easy to maintain a thankful attitude. Even if it doesn’t come naturally, you must resolve to find the goodness of God still lingering on this earth to embody the type of gratitude to thrive.

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