🎧 The 2nd Mile

🎧 The 2nd Mile

Peaceful Family Gatherings

Regardless of your specific traditions, Thanksgiving week is often characterized by food, family, and football, but for many of us, it’s also known for frustration. It’s time to go the second mile in having peaceful family gatherings.

🎧 The 2nd Mile

Edgy & Tempermental People

You don’t mean to let your temper take control. You never wanted to lash out the way you did, but you did it anyway. And you did it again. Maybe you feel like you are stuck in a cycle of regretting temperamental outbursts.

🎧 The 2nd Mile

How to Write Yourself Clear

Sometimes my mind is like a nonstop whirlwind of audacious ideas, nagging reminders, and unfortunate regrets. While my brain is on overdrive of varying thoughts, I lack clarity on what it is exactly that I need to do and am unsure of what to do next.

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