Throwing Truth to the Ground

In Daniel’s remarkably detailed vision of two coming kingdoms, God’s enemies are described as those who throw truth to the ground. No matter how powerful they may seem, God’s truth will endure, and He will ultimately defeat every remaining opposition.

Make Way for the Coming King

Daniel’s frightening vision of future kings alarmed him until he beheld the coming King who would reign forever. Amid polarizing politicians and combative kingdoms, our great hope is in the true King who is on His way.

Muzzling Lions

Daniel refused to pray to the king and was cast into the lion’s den because of his devotion. Not only did his bold stance make a statement about his faith, but it successfully witnessed to others as well.

When God Has Had Enough

When King Belshazzar took the vessels from the temple and used them for idolatrous purposes, God sent a frightening message to the people. The writing on the wall seeks to remind us that when God has had enough, He puts an abrupt end to sin.

How the Haughty Are Humbled

Through King Nebuchadnezzar’s humiliation and restoration, he learns an important truth: God can do whatever He wants to do whenever He wants to do it. None of us can block God’s will from coming to pass.

Honor, Dishonor, and When She-Bears Get Involved

When the mantle of leadership passed from Elijah to Elisha, we read of two extremes related to honoring those who go before us. In humility, we must not dismiss God’s ability to influence our lives through the mentors he has given us.

Political Pressure & the Consistent Christian

When a prophet was provoked by political pressure and a popular position, he resolved to stay faithful to God above anything else. In our lives, we must beware of adapting our beliefs to align with the culture.

God Is in Control of Who Is in Control

Daniel interpreted the king’s disturbing dream and showed him that all of his power had been given by the one with all authority. No matter who is in charge, God remains sovereign.

When God Meets You in the Fire

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego risked their lives when they refused to worship the golden image. When it seemed that God abandoned them in their suffering, He actually met them within the fire.

That Platform Isn’t Meant for You

God gave Daniel the ability to interpret the king’s troubling dream, but instead of taking credit at an opportune time, Daniel unashamedly gave God the glory. Our goal should be to use any platform to represent God rather than present ourselves.