Last Update from Addis

It was another great day in Addis Ababa.  This was the first full day I got to spend with Eli.  Much needed I think for the both of us. Started the day when the head nanny to invite me to pray with them to start the day in the baby room.  As they started at sunrise, …


To Arbegona and Back

I can’t begin to express how appreciative I am to all of you for your love, prayers, and support.  I honestly believe the reason Eli has had such an easy time bonding with me is the huge amount of prayer warriors joining us.  You’re amazing! The last two days have been some of the longest of my …


Update on Travis and Eli

Hello!  This is Amanda and I’m taking a moment to try to  figure out how to update everyone from Travis’ blog.  I have received some wonderful updates from him over the last two days.  Some of his messages are listed below along with some pictures.  Thank you for all of the prayers and support.  Eli …


One Child’s Trip Back to Russia as an Orphan

The state of adoption in our world is in crisis. First off, you have this boy in the picture above who was an orphan once, taken into a home, and then orphaned again by his adoptive mother sending him back on a one-way plane to Russia.  The only thing worse than being orphaned is being …


Travel Dates for Eli

The above pictures are new ones we received of our son, Eli.  A gracious woman who was in Addis Ababa last week picking up her son snapped some pictures of Eli and sent them our way.  He has grown so much from those last pictures.  It is so great to see him grow in size, …


Adoption FAQ #6: “How Will This Affect Your Son?”

Since we decided to adopt, we have had questions concerning what does this mean for the rest of our family.  People have wondered in particular what this will mean for our other son, Obadiah. I appreciate the concern.  Obadiah is a special child, no doubt.  It has been said in many different ways, but some …


“Coming Home” – New Solo CD Coming Soon!

I have some pretty exciting news this morning: I am releasing an album in a few weeks.  While the final details are still being worked out, I’ll give you what I got right now. Back when we accepted the call to adopt, I wrote a song for our coming son.  Without ever seeing his picture …


Update on Eli (Getting Closer)

We did receive on update on Eli yesterday.  With our agency, families pass through court in groups and then also travel together.  Group 91 to Ethiopia was processed through court yesterday, and we were not on the list.  While that is sad, it seems very sure that we are going to be in the next …


Adoption FAQ #5: “How Expensive?”

As we are still waiting word of a travel date to go to Ethiopia to unite with our son, I am still having a great time answering questions concerning adoption for inquiring minds.  One of the most frequent questions we have received is “How expensive is one of those babies?” or “Why do they cost …


Where is Eli Right Now?

A couple of nights ago while I was reading Obadiah a book at bedtime, I pointed to the corner of Africa where Eli lives.  Since that time, every time we open that book up and turn to that page, Obie points to the corner and says, “E-ya, brubba, E-ya.” Yes, that is where he is …