College Discipleship Groups

  What a wonderful weekend with the North Side family!  We were blessed to have a bunch of college students worship with us yesterday from Lander, Erskine, Piedmont Tech, Presbyterian College, and much more.  It was a blessing to connect with so many of them at our lunch yesterday and our dodegeball tournament last night. …


Welcome Back Lander Students!

So excited to see Greenwood buzzing with all the new and returning Lander students this week!  As you guys get back in the groove, I wanted to let you know about a few things for college students: RELI 101 – I still have some openings at TR 1:15-2:45 for my Religions course I teach.  Would …


Help! I’m a Broke College Student

Our college group at my church was traveling to invest in some children at a missions project during the summer, and I was driving one of the vans full of students. I had just finished reading Dave Ramsey’s, The Total Money Makeover, and I was befuddled at some of the stats I read. I polled …


Lander BCM: What to Do With the Letter You Received

If you are reading this and you are a Lander BCM student, you probably have already received your letter in the mail.  This letter was different than most mail you receive, this is a letter you sent to yourself.  You wrote this on September 17th.  I told you that I would give you about two …


Only 2 Months – Lander BCM

With everything that happened this weekend, I haven’t had a chance to share with you the great time I had with Lander’s BCM group for the last two Thursday nights.  The picture above is their leadership team for this year.  I have never seen such a group with so much potential, enthusiasm, and commitment.  If …


College Ministry Kickoff

Summer was great, but it sure has been great seeing all these college students come back around Greenwood the last few days.  We have revamped our college ministry this summer, and we are so excited to share it with you.  If you are returning to North Side or are wanting to check out North Side …


What’s Big in the Works?

A lot of exciting stuff is going on in my world right now.  Very exciting times with some things coming to a close and other things just beginning.  Thought I’d give you an update on some of them: Light at the End of the Seminary Tunnel – My approved draft of my dissertation is due …


Freshman 15 Released TODAY!

After a lot of time hyping this thing, it is finally here!  Order Freshman 15 here. Freshman 15 is my first book. Written as a guide for college students and graduating high schools seniors, this book encourages Christians to give weight to Christ in fifteen crucial areas during this pivotal time. Even if you aren’t …


Chapter 3: The Entourage (Freshman 15 Snippet)

Here’s a snippet from Chapter 3: The Entourage: This natural progression happens on every college campus in the country.  A freshman arrives at college with great anticipations of living for Jesus.  This freshman had a high school graduation service at her church where she received a Bible, a devotional book for graduates, and was featured …


Bailout #3 (Are You a Broke College Student?)

Our college group at my church was traveling to invest in some children at a missions project during the summer, and I was driving one of the vans full of students.  I had just finished reading Dave Ramsey’s, The Total Money Makeover, and I was befuddled at some of the stats I read.  I polled …