Ministry Has Times to Plant and to Pluck

King Solomon wrote that life is full of differing seasons. A time to be born and a time to die.  A time to weep and a time to laugh.  A time for war and a time for peace.  Life provides the opportunity to walk through all of these polarized experiences. Like life, the ministry has

You Pray Too Long

  So thankful for the time our church focused on prayer in yesterday’s services.  I was thinking this morning of why people are often fearful to pray. One of the main reasons people are intimidated to pray in public is due to a misunderstanding of prayer rhetoric.  While we claim to believe that all prayers

All Is Vanity

[This sermon is in a series of messages I make for a collegiate athletic team while they travel on the road.  Coaches make this time optional on Sunday mornings from a hotel room.] The sermon is from Ecclesiastes 2: 2 I said in my heart, “Come now, I will test you with pleasure; enjoy yourself.” But behold, this also was

Get to Heaven and Learn More About God

I love the prayers of my children.  There is something raw and honest about them. Occasionally, I will hear certain phrases that get on repeat, but usually, each day will provide something unique. The other day, my son, Eli, was praying over lunch.  Something he said got my attention and caused me to do a