How to Read the Entire Bible

Jesus taught the necessity of obedience to His words, but we cannot apply them if we don’t first study them. Create a plan where you can work through studying the entire Bible.

Why Should Someone Get Baptized?

When we decide to follow Jesus, we venture down the narrow path, but we are not alone. Baptism is a public declaration that you belong to Christ and a community.

Reintroduced to God as Father

Many people’s experience with earthly fathers taint the idea of God as Heavenly Father. We cannot follow God fully if we are unable to embrace Him as Father.

How to Confront Compassionately

Jesus calls us not to be harshly judgmental but to be intentionally confrontational. We must be concerned enough about the Body of Christ to address sin when it is present among us.

Offering a Hand Up, Not Just a Hand Out

Learn from Miracle Hill’s President and Rocky Creek member, Ryan Duerk, as he describes their ministry and teaches on a nontoxic approach to helping the least and the lost. You can offer a hand up, not just a hand out.

Relational Boundaries

There is a difference between forgiveness and enablement. In our commitment to showing grace to others, we must consider the ramifications of enabling others to continue in sin.

Prioritizing Prayer

You will never intensify your prayer life on accident. In order to pray continually, you must first pray intentionally.

The Strategy of Generosity

To be generous entails more than giving an amount; it requires possessing an attitude. Learn how to be wise with what you give and how you give it.