There’s Not a Situation God Can’t Redeem

Exodus 6:2-13 – God reassured Moses that He would be able to redeem the people no matter how bad the opposition seemed to be. In the circumstances that impact our lives, we must remember that there’s not a situation God can’t redeem.

When Things Get Worse Before They Get Better

Exodus 5:1-6:1 – Moses’ initial efforts only increased Pharaoh’s narcissistic rage and the Israelites’ horrific conditions. We must hold on to God’s promises when things get worse before they get better.

Hardened Hearts All Around

Exodus 4:18-31 – As Moses prepared to return to Egypt, God prepared him for the hardening of Pharaoh’s heart, but a curious event on the way showed that Moses wasn’t exempt from that very thing. We must prioritize assessing our own personal obedience.

Attempting God’s Work Through Your Power

Exodus 2:11-25 – Moses desired to deliver God’s people through his strength, but his efforts would never suffice. If God calls us to something great, we must realize His power must accomplish it.

Divine Rescue and Placement

Exodus 2:1-10 – In what seemed like a random set of events surrounding the first few months of Moses’ life, God orchestrated details to save Moses and God’s people. God rescues us from danger to place us in the center of His plans.

The Ferocious & Futile Plan of Our Enemy

Exodus 1:8-22 – The Israelites intimidated the Egyptian Pharaoh, so he used all forces at his disposal to reduce their presence. No matter how much God’s enemies oppose His people, they will never fully succeed.


In the Book of Exodus, we discover a relentless God who will do whatever it takes to redeem hopeless people in inescapable bondage. God delivers us so profoundly that we should devote our lives wholeheartedly to Him.

The Unexpected & Unstoppable Plan of God

Exodus 1:1-7 – As the Book of Exodus commences, God reminds us of how He kept His promises to an unlikely family to fulfill an uncommon calling. God sets the stage to use His people to accomplish His purposes, and nothing can stop Him. 

Exodus (Series Overview)

In the Book of Exodus, we discover a relentless God who will do whatever it takes to redeem hopeless people in inescapable bondage. God delivers us so profoundly that we should devote our lives wholeheartedly to Him.