Forgiving Your Father’s Killer

When Steve Saint was 5 years old, his father, Nate, was speared to death by Waodani tribesmen in Ecuador. Nate was the pilot of a five member team who reached these deadly warriors. After a friendly first encounter, the tribesmen turned on these missionaries and killed them.

In the absence of his father, Steve was loved by an older man who served to be a father figure. Throughout the majority of Steve’s adult life, he has traveled with this man, served in ministry with this man, and even lived beside this man. Both families spend so much time together that it seems as if they are all one big happy family.

Steve’s father figure is a man named Mincaye — the man who killed his father.


Just as Christ Forgave You

It’s Passion week.  It’s the week we celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus.  It’s a week when we should be reminded the great level to which Christ forgave us.

And we, in turn, are to forgive others in the same way.

This subject matter is pretty intense. Dealing with past hurts in which we were the victim or the culprit are never fun to visit.   It is extremely hard to forgive those who have hurt us

Read Colossians 3:12-15 to see how we should forgive:


Redeeming Your History

What a great day at North Side as we kicked off our 2 week Courageous series.  In addition to a great prayer time for our Africa team, we had a wonderful worship time together.  Taylor did a great time of focusing our prayers for that team and the unreached people group.  The worship team did great today!  So much energy, passion, and skill.  They led me to the throne – it was fantastic!

Today, we worshiped to: