The Weariness of Worry

You would have plenty of valid reasons to worry if God was not your intentionally provisional Father. Rid yourself of the weariness of worry and trust God for your daily needs.

The Danger of Decadence

When we believe our status to be contingent upon what we own in this life, it robs us of obtaining true treasure. Decide if you will either serve God or money.

Fast Approvals

Like many other spiritual disciplines, fasting can, unfortunately, be a means to gain the approval of others. Jesus taught that fasting should only be something directed to and noticed by God.

When They’ve Hurt You So Deeply

When others cause emotional pain in your life, forgiveness is the only restorative option. Jesus explained that our forgiveness of others is tied to God’s forgiveness towards us.

Learning How to Talk to God

Jesus taught us how to pray but not what to pray. In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus gave a template by which we can learn how to talk with God.

Don’t Give Them What They Deserve

Our tendency is to repay people for any negative words or harmful actions, but Jesus taught quite the opposite. The way of the kingdom is counter-cultural and yet life-giving.

The Reason for Lingering Spiritual Immaturity

Are you exasperated by the lack of growth in your life? In the lives of others? Maybe it’s not a content issue. Maybe it’s that they need a shepherd. We all need someone watching out for our soul conditions.

Enduring Persecution

For most of my life, I have resisted using the term persecution to describe what any Christian had to endure in the United States of America. Compared to what brothers and sisters experience around the world, we have it easy, but it is changing. It will get worse.

Pursuing Peace

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God. These words of Jesus still ring like counter-cultural absurdities in chaotic times just as they did when he first said them. But in a time of unrest, where else will this peace come from?