If Habitual Sin Remains Unchallenged

1 John 3:4-10 – Can a true believer continue in habitual sin? God’s Word provides stark warnings about the changes that should be present in the disciple’s life.

Lured by Lust

Adultery always begins far before the act. We must be careful what we look at and what we think about if we are to remain faithful to our commitments.

When God’s People Turn Aside

As Daniel studied the scriptures, he was dismayed at how far the people had drifted from God. His prayer of corporate repentance provides a helpful guide as we seek a needed wake-up call from God.

Dangerous Desires

There is great danger when we look for ways to disobey our God. There are dangerous desires of which we must be aware.

Hardships Don’t Give a Free Pass for Sin

We often need God’s protection from wicked people, but do we ever consider the protection we need from our own sinful habits? Just because we experience struggles does not mean that we can justify sin.

How to Overcome Temptation

You’ve already been tempted to sin today numerous times. While everyone is tempted, particular people are more prone to certain temptations than others. While you can’t avoid being tempted, you can fight against its pull. It’s time to go the 2nd mile in overcoming temptation. Listen to the podcast below or subscribe to your favorite …


The Best Way to Fight Temptation

We all face temptation, but how are you fighting against it? If we want to confront our disobedience, there is no better example to imitate than that of Jesus. Not only did he live his entire live devoid of sin, but he also showed us a powerful strategy in combatting Satan. In Matthew 4:1-11, we …


If You Play with Fire, Someone’s Gonna Get Burned

Jesus never categorized any sins as acceptable in the life of His followers. Playing with sin has severe repercussions for our lives and great consequences for those closest to us. Mark 9:42-50 42 “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him if a great millstone …


How Should Worship Leaders Dress?

What standards should worship leaders hold regarding personal dress and physical appearance? While I am sure there is no shortage of opinions on this topic, I wanted to wade into such an important topic.  We each possess a certain amount of preferences on the issue, but is there anything we can agree upon?  I hope …