Spiritual Disciplines

๐Ÿ“– Sermons

Prioritizing Holy Habits

Psalm 119:145-160 โ€“ To maintain awareness of Godโ€™s presence, we must prioritize holy habits to reinforce that reality. Know God better through consistent time committed to spiritual disciplines.

๐ŸŽง The 2nd Mile

Rethinking Bible Plans

We often encourage people to read Godโ€™s Word daily, but we rarely provide people with assistance so they can experience success. As you think about your personal time in the Word, do you have a plan that will help you grow in your personal discipleship?

๐Ÿ“– Sermons

Remembering Who We Are

Exodus 34:10-35 โ€“ Before reminding the people of some of His expectations, God restated His unique commitment to them. The distinguishing characteristics of our lives are wrapped up in the promises of God.

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