The Stop of Sabbath

Deuteronomy 5:12-15 – If we neglect God’s structure for our rhythms of work and rest, we will find ourselves eventually burning out. The gift of the Sabbath is a needed weekly pause amid a culture committed to constant hurry.

The Dailiness of Devotion

Luke 5:15-16 – You will not grow closer to Christ by accident. Our spiritual conditions are contingent upon the intentional disciplines to withdraw from distractions and engage with devotions.

Silencing Your Phone

Your phone is an incredible gift. It has more capabilities than the most expensive computers of the recent past. The opportunities to experience and produce are like never before, but if you don’t control it, it will be controlling you. Learn to establish limits.

The Tyranny of Technology

1 Cor. 9:24-27; 6:12 – To experience spiritual sanity, we might require a digital detox. If you don’t discipline yourself to control technology, be assured that it is controlling you.

The Burden of Busyness

Ephesians 5:15-17 – We wear busyness like a badge of honor in our culture, but the pace does significant damage to our souls. Consider how you should use your time in the wisest way possible.

The Danger of Distraction

Luke 10:38-42 – We often find ourselves distracted by so much that we miss the most important things. If you feel too overwhelmed with distractions, you must evaluate and alter your habits to experience the life Jesus intends for you.


The burden of busyness and the tyranny of technology is doing significant damage to our souls. Instead of being devoted, we are distracted. Instead of feeling focused, we fare frantically. We normalize stress and neglect stillness. If you feel overwhelmed with the pace of life, let God’s Word expose you to a different kind of standard.

Distracted [Series Overview]

The burden of busyness and the tyranny of technology is doing significant damage to our souls. If you feel overwhelmed with the pace of life, let God’s Word expose you to a different kind of standard.

Evaluating Your Family’s Technology Usage

Our accepted standard of technology usage can easily affect our relationship with God and with others. If you are unsure how your technology usage is affecting your family, ask these questions.