When Your Spiritual Growth Seems Stunted

As believers, we should be in a state of spiritual growth, but too often, we seem to be stuck in the same place. If there is a true profession of faith, there should be a true progression of faith. In this episode of The 2nd Mile Podcast, we discuss the importance of selecting that next …


Why You Forget What You Read in the Bible

You made up your mind.  This is going to be the year that you make Bible reading a priority, but something happened within a few short days.  The motivation is already waning.  You just aren’t as committed as you intended to be.  Why is that?  It might be because you have been going about Bible …


Introducing The 2nd Mile Podcast

I have started a podcast in 2019 entitled The 2nd Mile. While our church has a podcast that archives weekly sermons, I wanted a platform to equip others in their pursuit of Christ.  I have grown so much from listening to podcasts, and I want to take advantage of this platform and opportunity to speak …