1, 2 Chronicles: New American Commentary

Enjoyed studying through the 1, 2 Chronicles New American Commentary for the study on David.

Here are some of my favorite quotes:

Favorite Quotes

  1. The Chronicler attempted to interpret to the restored community in Jerusalem the history of Israel as the working out of the eternal covenant between God and the people that demanded an obedient response to the divine law (33).
  2. These two truths, that God is with us and that God is holy, are what really mattered to the Chronicler (135).
  3. The Chronicler bypassed several of David’s personal faults and family history (158).
  4. But at least in human terms God does not repent or change his mind. Ā It is better to think of a divine decree going forth that would be fulfilled unless a change of circumstance came about, such as repentance (162).
  5. This was the place where divine wrath and divine mercy would meet (163).