There are 613 commands in the Old Testament. People typically refer to the 10 Commandments, but there are an additional 603 that the Jewish people were attempting to keep. Those that knew them forward and backward were called the scribes. They had read all of the Law and were experts in it, putting them to scrupulous study and disciplined memorization.
That’s what makes this particular scribe’s question of Jesus so interesting. “Which command is the most important of all?” (Mark 12:28). Was he genuinely curious out of his exhaustion of trying to keep them all? Was it a trick question, attempting to stump the Un-Stumpable One? We don’t know his heart, and we can understand his taking advantage of the opportunity to inquire about Jesus, who amazed all those who had heard Him teach.
28 One of the scribes approached. When he heard them debating and saw that Jesus answered them well, he asked him, “Which command is the most important of all?”
29 Jesus answered, “The most important is Listen, Israel! The Lordour God, the Lord is one. 30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.
Mark 12:28-30
Out of 613 commands, Jesus pulled from Deuteronomy 6:4-5. Referred to as the Shema, this instruction to “listen” before giving the command was meant to call listeners to attention. What is about to be spoken is as essential of a direction as you will ever hear. There is one God. There is none like Him. And since He has no rival, you have have no rival to where your affections focus.
Love this God with everything you have because He is worthy of it all. The Scripture does not command the people to serve, fear, or worship the Lord. The command starts with love. If you love God, you won’t hesitate to do all those other things.
He is so unique that a partial love will not suffice. That’s why Jesus highlighted it. If you love God supremely, you won’t need a reason for any other command that concerns Him. I won’t entertain another god if I love God with all my heart. I would never settle for an idol if I love God with all my soul. If I love God with all my mind, I would never take His name in vain. If I love God with all my strength, I will always order my days according to His design.
The more you know God, the easier it is to love Him. Would you consider that your devotion to God starts with love? Are you currently loving Him with everything you have, or is it just part of who you are?
Travis Agnew serves as the Lead Pastor of Rocky Creek Church in Greenville, SC. His most recent book is Just (About) Married.