The Danger of Worldliness

I tend to look at the shape of our world and the morals of people who aren’t following Jesus and think that I am a pretty good guy.  I look around at how blatantly sinful other people are, and my “respectable” and “quiet” sins don’t seem as severe, and gradually I just get complacent. I look at other people’s standard …


Don’t Go to Church

When it comes to church involvement, you and I have a few options: Neglect.  Statistically, this option is the preferred choice of the majority of college students.  Only 20% of your college peers that were active in church during high school remain active in church during college.  The rest of your classmates are sleeping in indicating either church has nothing …


Why I Don’t Drink Alcohol (Even Though I Probably Could)

One of the most debated issues in Christianity concerning freedom is that of social drinking.  Denominations differ.  Backgrounds divide.  Experiences direct.  When most pastors communicate to students concerning the sins to abstain from in America, the list normally starts with premarital sex, drinking, and smoking. These are areas which the Bible actually does address, but few ministers ever mention the …


How Far Is Too Far?

In my time as a pastor, I have been asked many different questions.  Without a doubt, one of the most frequently asked questions is this: So how far is too far? In most contexts, people are asking it in relation towards dating and what is allowed physically in a relationship. The problem with that question is that it is a self-referentially …


5 Dating Tips

I’m often asked what is the biblical method to become married.  Is it through dating, courting, or something else. Honestly, it’s arranged marriages.  I’m actually in favor of those. If that concept frightens you, then depend on God to arrange your marriage.  Let him set the rules, the boundaries, and the timing. If you have determined that you think you …


The Best Advice to Give College Students

September is usually the most challenging and rewarding month of the year for me.  With programs blowing and going at the church, Lander classes starting up, college group at our house, events, programs, weddings, classes, etc., it is one of the most sleep-deprived times of my year. This year has been exceptionally busy yet exceptionally fruitful. Especially in the area …


Biblically Complacent

To truly let God shape your worldview, you must not only filter the teachings of your culture in order not to be conformed, but also you must be transformed by the renewing of your mind as you study the Word of God (Rom. 12:2).  In God’s sovereignty, he inspired human authors to write the pertinent information concerning life, faith, the …


Christ Was Never Meant to Be Part of Your Life

It has been so good to see our college students rolling back into town and getting back into connecting with the church.  Can’t wait to reconnect in the days to come! As a college student, you will begin to understand the necessity of the Waffle House in your life.  When you have procrastinated studying so long that you must find refuge …


The Dangerous Progression in Relationships

Today, I got the privilege to speak at RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards).  Housed at Erskine College, high school students from around SC are selected for a week of training in servant leadership.  I have gotten to speak the last few years and have been asked to talk about the role of one’s relationships as it relates to leadership. OG, …