Fear Not – You Are Favored By God

Luke 1:26-38 – God graced Mary so she could carry Jesus in her womb, and she was willing to follow His plan no matter the cost. The favor of the known God should also diminish the fear of unknown circumstances in our lives.

Grace & Guidance

For every single person, our sin disrupts our relationship with God and others. Without intervention, there is no hope for us, but in the gospel of Jesus Christ, we can find mercy for our transgressions and meaning in our brokenness.

God Wants to Forgive Us

If your version of God portrays a begrudging being forced to be kind to us rather than eagerly willing to be gracious to us, you are not envisioning the God of the Bible. God actually wants to forgive us!

Unrighteous Righteousness

Luke 18:9-14 – In The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector, Jesus contrasted one who thought he was righteous and another who knew he was not. If we believe our works to be righteous, we reveal our hearts to be unrighteous.

I Am Barabbas

Mark 15:6-15 – Sinless Jesus went to the cross while guilty Barabbas went free. Barabbas is a physical representation of a spiritual reality for every one of us.

Rejecting God’s Son

Matthew 21:33-46 – In The Parable of the Tenants, Jesus foreshadowed how the world would reject Him rather than receive Him. As we look at His sacrifice, how will we respond to the cross?

The Gospel

As the first church movement multiplied greatly and quickly, certain letters were sent to be distributed among these new believers. Within them, doctrine and practice were clarified to ensure that growth did not allow for dilution.

Jesus Died So We Can Live

1 Thessalonians 5:9-11 – Jesus absorbed the wrath of God so that we need not fear its consequences for our lives. Through the death and resurrection of Jesus, we can truly come to life.

Take and Eat

On the night before Jesus died, He gathered His disciples to prepare them for His sacrifice. While the first temptation was an opportunity to take and eat what was forbidden, Jesus set another table so that we could be forgiven.

The Man on the Middle Cross

Do you think you’re too bad for Jesus to save you? The thief on the cross never had time to make his sin right and Jesus freely promised him a place in Heaven.