She Will Wear White

The Book of Hosea is the account of when God asked a preacher to marry a prostitute to illustrate how he loves his people.  We should not be amazed at what Hosea the preacher did for Gomer the prostitute – we should be amazed that God did that for us. God revealed that not only had Gomer been a prostitute, …


Major in the Minors: Hosea

So excited to start our new series this morning entitled “Major in the Minors.”  Walking through the 12 prophets over the summer months is going to be a great study and I pray we hear and do!

Hosea was a prophet called to demonstrate God’s love in a powerful yet hurtful way.  Hosea was called to buy his wife back from her life as a prostitute and love her again as his bride because that is the depth from which God has loved us.  Considering God’s great love, will we stop running around on him?

Jeff and I have been wanting to do this sermon on Hosea for over a year now.  We saw another preacher role play Hosea during his message and it was probably the most powerful thing either of us had ever seen in our lives.  So when God seemed to be leading us to preach through these books, we couldn’t miss the opportunity.  Jeff did a fantastic job of playing “Hosea” as he looked desperately for his bride.  It was so powerful to experience the dedication that God has to buying us back as his own.  You can check out the message here.

Today, we worshiped to: