“When I Get to Heaven, I’m Going to Ask…”

“When I get to heaven, I’m going to ask…” (responses below submitted by my friends on Facebook) “Why were my parents not alive?” “Why couldn’t we stop bad people from doing bad things to children or others in this world?” “How did prayer work?  Did our prayers actually work?” “Why did I get into that wreck on my way to …


Volatile Work Environments

Have you ever worked in a volatile work environment? I recently talked with a friend who was in this situation.  How do you handle it?  You can’t be responsible for what others do, but you can be responsible for how your respond. I strive to maintain consistency within my personal relationships, because I have been close to people whose personalities …


Why 30-Year-Olds Hate Their Jobs

This post is the result of a study I have been doing lately.  It seems like that many people around the age of 30 are miserable in their jobs, state of life, status, acquired wealth, etc.  I recently had a discussion with some friends about this issue, and I have come up with some conclusions that might help some of …