The Transcendence of God

Attributes of God are the foundational beliefs about who God is and what He is like that comes from Scripture.  You can’t worship a God fully if you only know Him partially.

One critical attribute to study is the transcendence of God.


The Independence of God

Attributes of God are the foundational beliefs about who God is and what He is like that comes from Scripture.  You can’t worship a God fully if you only know Him partially.

One critical attribute to study is the independence of God.


The Immanence of God

Studying the attributes of God is an important endeavor for the Christian disciple.  A. W. Tozer was a brilliant theologian and pastor of the twentieth century. In his book, The Knowledge of the Holy, he presented a thesis statement that signifies the importance of addressing the issue of theology. He wrote:

What comes to your mind when you think about God is the most important thing about you.

If your concept of God is incorrect, your devotion will be misguided.  We must adhere to a biblical theology that embraces correct doctrine on the identity and activity of God.  Attributes of God are the foundational beliefs about who God is and what he is like that comes from Scripture.  You can’t worship a God fully if you only know Him partially.


Praying the Lord’s Prayer as a Church

Jesus taught us to pray in what we call the Lord’s Prayer.  Have you ever thought about how you can use this prayer as a template to teach your church how to pray? Here’s how Jesus taught His disciples to pray: 9 Pray then like this: “Our Father in heaven,hallowed be your name.10 Your kingdom come,your will be done,    on earth as it …


How to Have An Effective Group

Groups are important.  Whether you call them Gospel Groups, small groups, community groups, discipleship groups, Sunday School classes, Bible study groups, etc., the committed gathering of a smaller group of believers is essential to discipleship.


Three Reminders for the Next Generation

Parents want the best for their children.  Would you be willing to give the best to your children even if it included getting intentional and personal? Psalm 78:1-8 teaches that each generation needs to be reminded of 3 things: The Faithfulness of God The Frailties of the Past The Focus of the Future The Faithfulness of God The next generation …


Discipleship Strategy for Your Family

Within the family contains one of the greatest opportunities for discipleship and one of the greatest challenges for consistency. Your family members provide you the greatest opportunity to encourage and to discourage spiritual growth.


God’s Plan for Your Family

God’s plan for your family is not complex.  We make it that way, but it is truly simple.  This is the plan:

God wants to reconcile the world to Himself through Christ-following parents who disciple their own children to multiply gospel transformation to all people.     


Jesus’ Prayer for His Church

When Jesus spoke of His Church, He spoke of a people and not a building (Matt. 16:18).  We are not called to come to church but to be the Church. In John 17, we get insight into how Jesus prayed for the universal Church and how that applies to each expression of a local church.  Our hearts should be comforted …


God’s Favorite Style of Church

Every Christian has their favorite style of church.  We all tend to gravitate towards a type of church that meets our desired preferences.  Have you ever thought about God’s favorite style of church? God’s favorite style of church is a lifestyle church. Be the Church 01 – God’s Favorite Style of Church Jesus’ Great Commission provides a template for a …