Missionary On-Ramps

We cannot stop taking the gospel until all have heard it. Any church strategy that does not have the nations as our goal is not a biblical one.

Don’t Stay Spiritually Immature

All of us are not as spiritually mature as we desire to be, but that doesn’t mean we have to stay that way. You must decide if you will stay stuck or get intentional about the next ways you need to grow.

Fuge 2024 Recap (Ridgecrest Week 9)

The theme for Fuge 2024 was “Revival Generation.” I hope and pray that this generation of students will experience a great spiritual awakening.

Considerations Before Dating in College

Dating in college is nothing to joke around about; it may define the rest of your life. If you are considering dating someone, you must consider this important issue.

Kid’s Ministry Considerations

Churches must consider how to best structure environments so kids can learn to follow Jesus better. Consider how you structure your content and context as you minister to them.

Don’t Twist Theology Like the Devil

When God doesn’t behave how we expect or allow what we hope, we desire to make Him more like us. We do not want a God that always agrees with us.

Next Steps with a Church

Since discipleship is a journey, we all have the next steps to take, but they are all different from one another. We want to provide a simple way to help others navigate their movement forward. 

Why Righteousness Seems So Elusive

No matter how hard we try, we always seem to come up short in our attempts to live rightly before God. Maybe it is because the righteousness we seek cannot be earned.

The Bible’s Heroes Aren’t Role Models

The Bible tells amazing accounts of how ordinary people did extraordinary things, but it also informs us of their struggles. While these men and women weren’t perfect, they looked to another who provided the strength we all needed.


Common Traits of an Affair

People typically don’t spend their wedding day planning on how they can have an affair in the near future, but that doesn’t stop the unfortunate sin from transpiring. With affairs, common traits are typically present and must be avoided.

Preparing End-of-Life Plans

As we age, we must prepare our end-of-life plans so that our loved ones are not unfairly clueless or unnecessarily burdened. God’s Word gives us great insight regarding how we should make plans now for the inevitable to come.

Aging Well

Ecclesiastes 11:1-12:8 – We grow older daily, which positions us closer to our final day than ever before. Age well by presently preparing for your future state.

Fuge 2024 Recap (Ridgecrest Week 5)

The theme for Fuge 2024 was “Revival Generation.” My hope and prayer is that this generation of students will experience a great spiritual awakening in these days.

Evaluate Your Parents’ Marriage Before Starting Your Own

To have a healthy marriage, you need to evaluate how healthy your parents’ relationship was in your home growing up. This process might be the single issue that starts your marriage with the greatest potential to finish well.

Created By Him and For Him

We were made by God, and we were made for God. Whenever we forget that truth, we find ourselves in all types of trouble.

What Church Green Rooms Communicate

If a worship ministry detaches from the people it is called to lead, it is difficult to guide them anywhere. The most effective leadership is the kind that is connected to the congregation.

6 Tips for Preschool Ministry

A preschool’s ministry in a church is more than glorified babysitting. Consider these tips as you intentionally invest in the youngest people in your church family.

Learn How to Love Your Wife

If husbands want to have a better marriage, then they need to do a better job of loving their wives. Do not wait around for your wife to make a change that you could start.

5 Practical Values for a Church Staff

The staff sets the direction for a church’s ministry and also portrays the attitude that the rest of the church might imitate. To ensure it is a worthwhile replication, consider these five practical values for your church staff.

Panama 2024 Recap

I joined a team of sixteen from our church to take the gospel to Panama. It was wondrous to see seasoned missionaries dig deeper and first-timers step outside their comfort zones with no desire to return to what is comfortable.

Waypoint (May 2024)

Rocky Creek, we have another edition of Waypoint to remind us that even if we’re not there yet, we are getting there. It’s been an exciting few months to start 2024.

Tell Your Kids Your Story

One of the greatest tools parents have to teach their children is the lessons learned along the way. Don’t miss opportunities to share your stories of success and failures to help them navigate their paths.

Don’t Drop the Missional Baton

Once the disciples saw that Jesus’ tomb was empty, they altered everything to share that news with others. They successfully got that news to us, but will we take the baton and pass it to others?

God Does Love You That Much

When Jesus prayed to our Heavenly Father, it was not the first time Scripture referred to God in such fathering terms. In God’s character, we discover the type of compassionate care we desperately need.

Don’t Waste Your College Experience

Many students waste their college experience on unhelpful pursuits. If you want to get the most out of this time, you must start by focusing on the essentials.

Family Ministry Considerations

We organize our next-generation ministries under one umbrella because we do not want to silo individual efforts away from others. While some of our approaches vary due to the ages, the overall strategy is the same and unified.