You Don’t Have to Prove Yourself to Jesus

We often live with pressure to prove ourselves to be accepted by others. The gospel reminds us that we are loved by God despite our performance for Him.

The gospel is the good news of the saving work of Jesus Christ.

The Holy God created all things and has the sole sovereignty over all things. As created beings, we each rebelled against his authority and attempted positioning ourselves to assume his unparalleled right to define what is good and evil. Due to such insurrection, we were rightfully barred from entering heaven upon death. While we deserved God’s judgment, we can receive his mercy through the person of Jesus.

By living a perfect life, Jesus was able to do what we could not do. When he went to the cross, he offered an opportunity to exchange places and performances with him. He who knew no sin became sin so that, in him, we might become the righteousness of God (2 Cor. 5:21). Jesus went to the cross with our sin upon his record, and we have been credited with his perfect performance upon our account.

The way of salvation is not proving yourself but trusting in Christ. 

Our sin has created an eternal dilemma for each of us. I will trust in myself or Jesus for salvation. You have to make that decision as well. Each of us will attempt to make our way back to God or accept the fact that God made a way for us. The gospel call offers all who hear it this simple choice: trust yourself or trust Jesus. 

Jesus could walk on water, and yet I struggle to get from a point of origin to a point of destination without tripping over my own feet. Jesus was able to live 33 years without a trace of sin, and I can barely make it 33 minutes without a sinful disaster of epic proportions. Jesus rose from the dead, and I struggle waking up in the morning to read about it. So who should I trust?

The gospel is good news – we can be saved by grace through faith (Eph. 2:8). Jesus has made a way for us to know him yet again!

God demonstrated his love toward us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Rom. 5:8). Through the righteousness of Jesus, we can walk behind him now and with him forever. Once someone receives that glorious gospel message (John 1:12), he or she should subsequently begin the exhilarating process of discipleship. 


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