Missionary On-Ramps

We cannot stop taking the gospel until all have heard it. Any church strategy that does not have the nations as our goal is not a biblical one.

Don’t Stay Spiritually Immature

All of us are not as spiritually mature as we desire to be, but that doesn’t mean we have to stay that way. You must decide if you will stay stuck or get intentional about the next ways you need to grow.

Kid’s Ministry Considerations

Churches must consider how to best structure environments so kids can learn to follow Jesus better. Consider how you structure your content and context as you minister to them.

Next Steps with a Church

Since discipleship is a journey, we all have the next steps to take, but they are all different from one another. We want to provide a simple way to help others navigate their movement forward. 

The Bible’s Heroes Aren’t Role Models

The Bible tells amazing accounts of how ordinary people did extraordinary things, but it also informs us of their struggles. While these men and women weren’t perfect, they looked to another who provided the strength we all needed.

Fuge 2024 Recap (Ridgecrest Week 5)

The theme for Fuge 2024 was “Revival Generation.” My hope and prayer is that this generation of students will experience a great spiritual awakening in these days.