The Divided States of America

As we navigate another contentious election season, Christians should be a voice of reason, sensibility, and hope. Instead of being sucked into the outraged culture, disciples of Jesus should prove themselves different.

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Count Me In walks students through the entire Gospel of Luke and Jesus’s bold invitation to follow Him daily, obey Him faithfully, and trust Him completely.

Travis Agnew

I’m a disciple of Jesus, husband to Amanda, dad to the Agnew 3, and Lead Pastor of Rocky Creek Church in Greenville, SC.

I hope the resources on this site can help your personal discipleship.

There’s Always a Reason to Sing

Music is God’s gift for us to express our deepest convictions and emotions in a fitting way. No matter what is going on in your life, there’s always a reason (and a need) to sing.


Due to the Old Testament, most Christians know more about Judaism than other religions. Judaism is a religion that believes in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob but denies Jesus as the Messiah. 

Government and God’s People

1 Peter 2:13-17 – No matter how a government treats Christians, Scripture commands us to respond in God-honoring ways. God has made His will very clear regarding how we should respond to civil authorities.

Make your personalized discipleship plan, and start growing again!

Pick a reasonable plan, and study the message that can change your life.

This resource can help a couple prepare for a godly marriage.

I Want to Hold Your Hand

We serve a God who does not leave us on our own but walks beside us through all the challenges of life. No matter what we face, we can endure because we do not struggle alone.

Another Day, Another Opportunity

Proverbs 3:21-28 — Even in a storm’s aftermath, if we’ve been given another day, we’ve also been offered another opportunity. We must prioritize remembering God for His faithfulness and our neighbors for their needs.

Nothing Gets More Orderly by Accident

All of us talk about how stressful our lives are as we seek to work through frantic schedules and numerous tasks. The fact is that nothing gets more orderly by accident, and we must be proactive to make the most of the time we have.

Buddhism (Session 2)

The goal of Buddhism is to achieve enlightenment in order to address the problem of suffering. While the path may look different for every Buddhist, there are some common concepts that unite them.

Don’t Be a Hypocrite

1 Peter 2:11-12 – If this world is not our home, we cannot give ourselves to every available temptation. The war against hypocrisy is important so that we don’t hinder others from seeing Jesus.

Take Your Burdens to Jesus

We act as if we can handle our problems independently, but we are only fooling ourselves. Don’t pridefully act like you have no burdens — take them to Jesus.

Stop Making Excuses for Laziness

We talk about laziness as if it is a character trait that some people just can’t help, but that doesn’t address the seriousness of the issue. If you lag around life, you miss out on the wonderful opportunities God has given you.

Buddhism (Session One)

Buddhism is a religion that dates back to one man searching for liberation. His discovery and teachings would lead many others on a path to enlightenment.

Why the Church Is Still Essential

1 Peter 2:4-10 – Our culture recently debated whether a church’s services should be deemed essential during times of emergency. We realize a church’s necessity through the Scripture and our experiences. 

Jesus Isn’t Trying to Snuff You Out

One of the most dangerous, incorrect notions about God is that He is so frustrated with us that He doesn’t want to help any longer. If you are barely hanging on, Jesus isn’t trying to snuff you out.

Parental Availability

If you are a parent, you understand that the days are long, but the years are short as you seek to raise the children entrusted to you. Your availability is directly related to your capability as you set out to disciple your kids well.

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