Having Friends Again
In our younger years, we obsess greatly about who we consider our best friends, yet we become more relationally isolated as we age. Many of us miss a key aspect of life by failing to make and keep deep friendships.
In our younger years, we obsess greatly about who we consider our best friends, yet we become more relationally isolated as we age. Many of us miss a key aspect of life by failing to make and keep deep friendships.
Whether or not we acknowledge it, many of our conflicts aren’t against physical powers but spiritual forces. As spiritual beings, we fight spiritual battles, but if we ignore the reality of them, we are probably losing ground all around us.
It’s the most wonderful time of the year (if you consider being stressed, busy, and broke as wonderful). While there are so many exciting moments to enjoy, our culture has structured this time of year to hinder our commitment to ministry.
Your hopeful plans for your life, job, or ministry may be immense, but they honestly may not be sized correctly. When we attempt something that God desires to be done, our grandest plans might potentially be undersized.
We have more ministry programming for the next generation than ever before, but our kids aren’t staying connected to the church. We are expecting programs to do what God expects parents to do.
The United States has survived another election day, but there are plenty of questions still to be answered in the days to come. As citizens of this country, we are called to live according to our heavenly citizenship regardless of the outcome.
In hostile political times, Christians can get sucked into the vitriol that is consuming the United States of America. Instead of reflecting the words, attitudes, and actions of the culture, the Scriptures provide another path.
With all the ethical battles being waged in our culture, many people remain in a state of political outrage and intense disagreement. While men may speak their minds on the issues, few discuss them biblically in the home.
As we navigate another contentious election season, Christians should be a voice of reason, sensibility, and hope. Instead of being sucked into the outraged culture, disciples of Jesus should prove themselves different.
Maybe you feel like you have too many responsibilities and not enough time to address everything you have to do. Before you start making fixes, you first need to identify the problems that you are experiencing.