What Church Green Rooms Communicate

If a worship ministry detaches from the people it is called to lead, it is difficult to guide them anywhere. The most effective leadership is the kind that is connected to the congregation.

6 Tips for Preschool Ministry

A preschool’s ministry in a church is more than glorified babysitting. Consider these tips as you intentionally invest in the youngest people in your church family.

Learn How to Love Your Wife

If husbands want to have a better marriage, then they need to do a better job of loving their wives. Do not wait around for your wife to make a change that you could start.

5 Practical Values for a Church Staff

The staff sets the direction for a church’s ministry and also portrays the attitude that the rest of the church might imitate. To ensure it is a worthwhile replication, consider these five practical values for your church staff.

Panama 2024 Recap

I joined a team of sixteen from our church to take the gospel to Panama. It was wondrous to see seasoned missionaries dig deeper and first-timers step outside their comfort zones with no desire to return to what is comfortable.

Waypoint (May 2024)

Rocky Creek, we have another edition of Waypoint to remind us that even if we’re not there yet, we are getting there. It’s been an exciting few months to start 2024.