The Way, the Truth, and the Life

John 14:1-11 – Life is short, eternity is long, and each of us will spend somewhere forever. We can confidently trust Jesus because He has prepared a place in heaven for His followers.

The Resurrection and the Life

John 11:17-44 – Outside of Lazarus’ tomb, it appeared as if death had claimed another victim. Jesus proved His power over death through resurrection and now invites us to come alive.

Righteousness Comes Through Faith

Jesus was a perfect sacrifice in that He required no reconciliation on His behalf because He never sinned. His perfectly righteous status enabled Him to take our place and provide us with the necessary righteousness.

Appraising Grace

If the story of Jesus has become so common to you, it might be time to consider it with a fresh perspective. Appraising the depth of God’s grace is the most essential consideration we can make.

The Good Shepherd

John 10:11-18 – Jesus refused to flee when our endangered souls were in dire need. We marvel at the Good Shepherd who laid His life down for us on the cross to save us from our sinful wanderings.

Some Days Are Just Hard

No matter how positive you try to be, some days are just more difficult than others. The work of Jesus should put our challenges in a healthy and needed perspective.

The Substitute We Need So Desperately

Exodus 32:15-35 – The people’s sin with the golden calf was so grave that God had to do something about it. Through the willingness of Moses and God’s rejection of his plan, we understand the substitute we need so desperately. 

Rebels Require Reconciliation

Since sin is rebellion against God, we are in need to be reconciled to Him. If you don’t think your sin warrants such an action, you really don’t grasp the weight of disobedience.