Disciples Aren’t Made on Conveyor Belts

Just because the process of discipleship requires specific work does not imply that it is too complex to undertake. The task is undeniably simple: discover what is most broken within any given individual and get to work in that exact area at this specific time.

Start Growing Spiritually Again

For those who feel stuck in their spiritual life, you no longer have to accept stagnation as the norm. In this 8-week Bible study, I want to walk you through a model called Distinctive Discipleship.

Excuses for Disciple-Making

Christians should be undoubtedly convinced that we are called to make disciples, but we are often unapologetically cautious to attempt to join Jesus in the process. Don’t allow these excuses to rob you of one of the greatest joys in life –– making disciples.

Discipleship Requires Different Directions

While all true Christians will end up in the same place one day, none of us are in the same position currently. If every Christian is in a spiritually unique place surrounded by specific challenges, why do we think that a broad approach will work for every single one of us?

Distinctive Discipleship Walkthrough

Distinctive Discipleship is a process – not a program. It’s a method to help you design a specific plan for Christian maturity in your life or in the life of someone you are discipling.