Diminishing Distractions

Technological devices are one of the most successful tools for endangering and distracting us. Determine your convictions before the culture standardizes your practices. 

Learn How to Love Your Wife

If husbands want to have a better marriage, then they need to do a better job of loving their wives. Do not wait around for your wife to make a change that you could start.

Appraising Grace

If the story of Jesus has become so common to you, it might be time to consider it with a fresh perspective. Appraising the depth of God’s grace is the most essential consideration we can make.

If You’ve Got Good Leaders in Your Church

While no human leader is perfect, we should consider ourselves blessed to have godly leaders charting our path. If a minister is following Christ, it shouldn’t be a struggle to follow the one at the front of the pack heading in a Godward direction.

It Can Sound Spiritual But Not Be Biblical

There are a lot of spiritual teachings and teachers out there, but not all of them are biblical. We must avoid being tossed around by somewhat true statements that keep us from the clarity of God’s Word.

The Reason Both Your Church and Pastor Fail

Many churches struggle because they expect the pastor to do what he is called not to do. Your leader’s role is not to do all the ministry required but to equip the membership to meet all needs together.

Why and When the Opposition Increases

If you are trying to make progress in your walk with Jesus, you will often find that the opposition increases. We tend to think that good intentions should remove any unnecessary obstacles, but we often experience the exact opposite.

Walk Worthily & Togetherly

In our desire to prioritize one’s personal relationship with Jesus, we often miss the necessary nature of discipleship being worked out in community with other believers. We can’t seek to walk worthily if we are unwilling to do so togetherly.