Protecting from Pornography

To fight against lust, we must have a plan to protect ourselves from pornography. Using scriptural insight and practical wisdom, you can find hope with this struggle.

Hypnotized Christians

Have you become hypnotized? Are you trying to live for God apart from God? Don’t put unnecessary pressure on yourself for your spiritual condition.

The Law’s Primary Purpose Was Not to Keep It

You can’t understand the purpose of the Ten Commandments until you grasp the timeline of when Moses climbed the mountain to receive them. God gave the 10 Commandments to Moses in Exodus 20.  In Exodus 14, the Israelites are walking through the Red Sea on dry ground.  Why did God give the Law after this event?  It would seem that …


Praying for the Fruit of the Spirit

It is a natural thing to pray for others.  When it comes to praying for ourselves, we can easily get confused.  What exactly should we pray for? Usually, prayers we offer for ourselves can focus on safety, security, or sanity.  Our prayers can be limited to simple endurance through difficult or unsure situations.  But, how should we pray for ourselves? …


There Are 2 Travis Agnew’s…


There are 2 Travis Agnew’s.  No, for real.  There are 2 of us.  I’m not doing some type of preacher illustration, there are two of us out there.

So, let me explain.  Years ago, when I decided to start blogging, I tried to get a domain name and realized that was taken.  By whom, I wondered.  I went ahead with the .org and continued upon my trek through life’s uncharted waters.  Then I was talking with a college student one day who said he heard me speak somewhere.

He then tried to find me on the world wide web.  He said I had changed my appearance a lot.  He then asked me when I lived in Wisconsin.  I was perplexed.  I was pretty confident that my looks have not changed that much and that I had remained in South Carolina in recent years.  Curious, I began to do research and I was shocked at what I found.

Here’s what I discovered:


Founding Freedoms – New LifeWay Curriculum

  I was so excited to receive these copies in the mail of LifeWay’s LifeTruths upcoming quarterly edition.  The crew at LifeWay does a fantastic job at this Bible study curriculum geared towards parents. I was honored to write for the second time for this publication.  The first time I wrote a curriculum called “I (Still) Do” on marriage.  In

Spoiled Rotten

13 For you are called to freedom, brothers; only don’t use this freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but serve one another through love. 14 For the entire law is fulfilled in one statement: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. 15 But if you bite and devour one another, watch out, or you will be consumed by one another.
(Galatians 5:13-15, HCSB)

Spoiled Rotten

As a parent, I have certain rules and stipulations by which I prefer my children to adhere. My wife and I have standards of bed time routines, dietary selections, and level of freedom bestowed upon our children. We want our children to have fun, but we have certain rules we prefer them to live by.

That is, until they go and spend time with their grandparents.