Common Traits of an Affair

People typically don’t spend their wedding day planning on how they can have an affair in the near future, but that doesn’t stop the unfortunate sin from transpiring. With affairs, common traits are typically present and must be avoided.

Avoiding Adultery

To partake in adultery is to seek temporal satisfaction while neglecting long-term consequences. Discover what God’s Word says about this sin and how to avoid it.

Decreasing Debt

Dissatisfaction leads to unnecessary purchases and increasing debt. Discover God’s principles for decreasing debt and living in financial freedom.

Pursuing Alignment

In the midst of many opportunities for spiritual growth, we can lack a needed sense of alignment. What if we are guilty of widespread efforts that only provide shallow understanding? Focus might be the component we’ve been missing.

Our Children’s Biggest Problem

Children in today’s culture have numerous forms of opposition against them. But out of all the sources of stress, sometimes it is their parents who should provide support and actually create more issues.

Providing Helpful Counsel

The average Christian would admit to having little to no counseling training or experience, but that doesn’t mean that you couldn’t provide helpful counsel. Even if lacking in expertise, you can take some simple steps to help others continue through trials.

Get Back Up

All of us will stumble due to our decisions or others’ opposition, but how we respond speaks volumes. If you feel you have been knocked down, get back up again.

Evaluating New Adjustments

It’s a new year that guarantees exciting opportunities and unexpected challenges. To ensure your life is heading in the right direction, it’s appropriate to evaluate your headings right now. More than making resolutions, we need to make changes.