The All-You-Can-Eat Buffet

Notes from Fusion’s message tonight:

02 – The All-You-Can-Eat Buffet
Godipedia (01 of 04)

If Jesus is to have all of you, you must desire all of Him.

John 6

Brazil – Sal E Brasa – Churrascaria – all-you-can-eat buffet where they bring the food to you
Green button – yes please; Red button – no thanks

We often treat God that way
We like God’s: peace, mercy, grace, plans, presence, power, miracles, help, counsel, heaven
We don’t like God’s: suggestions, rules, guides, purity boundaries, meddling

John 6:47-56; 60-61; 66-69 (MSG)
I Am the bread of life
They wanted miracles, he wanted followers, people to consume him, not his gifts
If Jesus is to have all of you, you must desire all of Him.
Where else can we go? You are God. We’d rather have all of you, than all this world and part of you.

Mike – at wedding – “you preached the *$@#” out of that thing” while grasping two beer bottles – people who love the forgiving God but don’t listen to anything he has to say
Another item on the line: CONTENTMENT – the most dangerous dish – you think you’ve arrived
Look over the last year, are you any different?
It may not be because you don’t have great intentions, but it might be because you don’t have a proper view of God.
Or you don’t have people to help you maintain your proper view of God.

One thing about that buffet – there were people there to say what was good or not, we went with a group
The need for others to keep you in check to make sure you are not following the All-You-Can-Eat Buffet God

Chrissy and Boyter in Brazil

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