“What’s the Worship Like at North Side?”

Invitation Time

I wanted to take a minute to tell you about our worship services.  Often I’m asked, what’s the worship like at North Side?  When someone asks that question, they mean are we traditional, contemporary, or blended?  Are we seeker sensitive or are we more driven by the desires of our members?  But worship has a lot more to do than simply a particular style of music we use on a Sunday morning.  In fact, the problem with any of those styles of services is they all have one thing as their focus – us.  And when did worship ever become about what we got out of it?

Worship is about Jesus.  It’s not only all about Him, it’s all for Him.  When we gather together for worship at North Side, our target audience is none other than Jesus Christ himself.  It’s a time when the family at North Side enters into a time of worship that is simply continued from their lifestyle of worship they have been living all week long.

As we lead the worship services here, we are intentional about including three things:

  1. Big Idea.  Each week, we have one big idea we are trying to get across rather than getting bogged down in many little ideas.  From the opening announcements to the closing words, we pray that you get one big idea concerning your next step to grow closer to Jesus
  2. Biblical Exposition.  The Bible is our guidebook.  We don’t teach our personal opinions, we teach from God’s authority – His Word.  We are not only committed to hearing the Word of God, we also are bent on obeying the Word of God.  Each time we gather, we will not only teach you God’s truth, but we will tell you how to apply God’s truth into your life.
  3. Blueprinted Environment.  We are very particular about everything that goes into a service.  We concern ourselves in the details in order that members and guests alike feel comfortable to offer true worship to Jesus.  We want to create an environment that allows you to grow closer to Jesus so you can live a lifestyle of worship all week long.

So, what is the worship like at North Side?  The quality of the worship here is directly proportional to what we put into it.  And we would love for you to join us on a Sunday as we offer big praise to a big God.  Because its all about him and it is still all for Him.