I’m Preaching on Sunday

Jeff is on vacation in Texas, and so I am preaching at North Side on Sunday. I love sharing God’s Word with people  . I love our church. And I love this series that we are currently going through at North Side, “Thanks for Nothing.” The last two weeks have been on “Nothing Required” and “Nothing Separating.”

Tomorrow, I am preaching on “Nothing Wasted.” Using Rom. 8:28 and the story of Joseph in the Old Testament, I hope to show through God’s Word that somehow God is able to use even bad things in our life for our good. He wastes nothing! There’s no one who can do that except for Jesus, but he does it in amazing ways! Joseph’s story was incredibly devestating, but God was able to actually accomplish great things through his suffering. We can’t change our circumstances, but God can use our circumstances to change us.


Pray that tomorrow can be a time of healing and renewal for all of us at North Side. Bring a friend along on Sunday morning (8:15; 9:45; and 11:15) for a time of worship and a time for God to change your life. Remember: Sunday night, we are having our Thanksgiving dinner at the YMCA at 5:30 and bring a canned good along with you.