What another great week at North Side. This was week 5 in the Experiencing God series. Jeff decided to preach on Gideon in Judges 5 and 6 (one of my favorite passages). I remember being a senior in high school and Jeff preaching this passage and it having a profound impact on my life. I was leading worship at the youth VBS and he used this passage. I remember I was on the stairs listening to this message and being completely convicted and mobilized to do something for God during that message during that awkward summer between high school and college. Hope it impacted you today as well.
You can listen to that message here.
The praise band led worship to these songs today:
- O Praise Him – David Crowder Band
- Made to Worship – Chris Tomlin
- Made Me Glad – Hillsong
- Make Me Holy – Travis Agnew
You people sang out so much today! I love worshiping together. Just a heads up – two of the songs we sang today are going to be on an upcoming worship CD that the praise band is going to record. More info later this week!
God is definitely leading us somewhere, North Side. Hold on.
Travis Agnew serves as the Lead Pastor of Rocky Creek Church in Greenville, SC. His most recent book is Just (About) Married.