It’s the End of the World As We Know It (And I Feel Apathetic)


Today, we kicked off the new series, “It’s the End of the World As We Know It.”  The services today addressed those of us who feel apathetic about the Second Coming.

If we are so concerned with life today, it will be difficult for us to live with the end in mind.

We must live life understanding that this ain’t it.  We must live knowing that we can’t take the treasures of the earth with us.  We must work for treasures in heaven.  The stuff that lasts for eternity.

Great message, you need to listen to it.  Also, we started burning the CDs right after services today, so you can get one after the service in the bookstore.  Check it out.

Today’s set list:

After singing that first song all morning, I am going to go home and take a nap!  I didn’t have a whole lot of encouragement for actually singing this song.  Most people looked in shock that we were going to attempt it, but with a little help from the back wall lyrics (even though they were tee-niny so we could get all the words on there together) we made it through.  It was fun.

During the worship set, I loved hearing you sing out joining with the angels singing “holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty.”  You can click on those song titles if you want a copy off of iTunes.  At the time of this post, you can click on the video to the right to practice “Revelation Song.”  The first time I heard this group sing it, I was floored.  It makes a great attempt at displaying big worship for a big God – whenever we get to sing the worship songs of heaven recorded in Revelation, we need to sing like the angels.  Thanks for joining in the worship that’s going on in heaven!

See you next week!

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