Peace on Earth (Did the Angels Waste Their Words?)


It seems like every time angels showed up in a biblical scene, they had to utter the word, “peace.”  You see, angels are not the cuddly baby-esque figurines we have commercialized.  Angels are protectors, warriors, and avengers.  They are some pretty intense beings.  Whenever they showed up, they had to say, “peace.”  Calm down.  Do not be afraid.  Don’t pass out.  We’re not going to kill you.

In the Christmas story, it was no different.  Every time they show up, people are frightened, but the angels comfort them with words of peace.  When the angels appeared to the shepherds, they stated, “Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth among men with whom He is pleased” (Luke 2:14).  It’s kind of ironic that the angels proclaim peace regarding a baby that a tyrant was trying to murder.  The cries of infants were heard all around God’s people because Herod murdered all boys 2 years and under (Matt 2:16) in his quest to make sure there was only one king in his land.

And yet there was peace.

This baby that was spared from the wrath of the earthly king grew up not to be spared of the wrath of the heavenly King.  He died the most brutal form of execution history has ever recorded.  His followers were hunted down to be burned, crucified, and beheaded.

And yet there was peace.

In your world today, you may be overwhelmed with more than you can handle.  And yet there can be peace.  One day there will be a physical peace in all the known land due to Jesus’ reign, but right now you can experience an inner peace that surpasses all comprehension (Phil 4:6-7) due to Jesus’ reign in your heart.

This video of recent images put to Chris Rice’s song “Peace on Earth” encapsulates this tension that we can have peace when our world is absent of it.

Christmas Eve Service

Just wanted to invite you to our Christmas Eve service at North Side to celebrate this peace.  The service will be from 5:30-6:30, communion starts @ 5.  Hope to see you there!