“The Word” is a project by North Side Worship telling the grand narrative of the Bible. It is available at North Side (May 3, 2015) and iTunes (May 5, 2015).
With every passing year, I watch the decline in biblical literacy. Many people’s understanding of the Bible are based upon recollections of isolated stories or lessons from isolated phrases.
As a pastor at North Side Baptist Church, my desire is to shepherd this flock well (1 Pet. 5:2) and help disciple our people through Word-based worship songs (Col. 3:16). As we unashamedly take the gospel (Rom. 1:16) to all nations (Matt. 28:19-20), we proclaim the entirety of God’s Word and point to the centrality of Jesus (Luke 24:27).
Our worship team began a time of intense study in order to compose songs to help teach the grand narrative of the Bible. We developed a 100-Day Chronological Bible Reading Plan and began times of study together. As we would later begin songwriting, we worked relentlessly on maintaining theological purity with lyrical selection and creating appropriate musical dynamics for each section throughout Scripture.
Over the months, we would begin to introduce these songs to our congregation when they aligned themselves with the sermons. On Easter weekend 2015, we shared the entire message in two nights of worship. As we proclaimed God’s Word that weekend, it was amazing to hear the stories of how Jesus changed lives.
We pray that this resource can do the same in your life as well. Before we ever shared one note of any of these songs, our worship team felt as if this entire process would have been worth it due to what Jesus did in our own lives through the study of his Word. We pray that this resource will do in the same in your life and cause you to become a student of the Word (2 Tim. 2:15).
I am happy to share that you can get your copy of “The Word” at North Side on Sunday and it will be available on iTunes on Tuesday. I hope you enjoy listening to these songs as much as I have working on these songs.
Track Listing
- Let There Be (Creation)
- How We’ve Fallen (The Fall)
- No One Like Our God (Exodus)
- The Ten Commandments (Law)
- Our God Is With Us (Covenant)
- Enter His Gates (Psalms)
- Return to Me (Prophets)
- How Long O LORD (Exile)
- Fear Not (Incarnation)
- Amazed (Jesus’ Ministry)
- What a Savior (Passion Week)
- Come Holy Spirit (Pentecost)
- Day By Day (Church)
- You Alone Are God (Trinity)
- Your Word (Epistles)
- Faithful and True (Revelation)
“The Word” is a project by North Side Worship telling the grand narrative of the Bible. It is available at North Side (May 3, 2015) and iTunes (May 5, 2015).
Travis Agnew serves as the Lead Pastor of Rocky Creek Church in Greenville, SC. His most recent book is Just (About) Married.