“O Lord of hosts, God of Israel, enthroned above the cherubim, you are the God, you alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth; you have made heaven and earth.” -Isaiah 37:16
Powerful day of worship as we built our services around Isaiah 36 and Isaiah 37.
Here’s the service order:
- When I Survey the Wondrous Cross – North Side Worship
- Reading – Isaiah 37:16-17, 20
- You Alone Are God – North Side Worship
- Christ Is Risen – Matt Maher
- Because He Lives – Bill Gaither
- Baptism
- Mission Highlights (International Student Ministry, Summer Trips)
- Prayer Time
- The Old Rugged Cross – North Side Worship
- Hallelujah! What a Savior – North Side Worship
- Sermon – Desperate Times, Divine Measures (Isaiah 37-38)
- He’s Always Been Faithful – Sara Groves
The band did such a great job arranging some of these hymns. Some pretty neat collaboration going on that I can share here very soon. Loved hearing the church sing out!
Sermon Notes
- “On what do you rest this trust of yours?” (Is. 36:4). That is a great question for all of us!
- On whom do I truly rely?
- An onlooker couldn’t distinguish between the idols (Hezekiah was removing idolatrous altars).
- These leaders were fearful of the news scaring the people (Is. 36:11). They have yet to understand the power of their God.
- Before you get anyone’s advice, ask yourself these three questions: 1) Do they love God? 2) Are they familiar with God’s Word? 3) Do they love me?
- His boast is there had never been a god that could stop Assyria (Is. 36:18-20). Famous last words.
- When we are overwhelmed, there is no greater refuge than the presence of God (Is. 37:1).
- Desperate times are not necessarily bad times (Is. 37:4).
- When in trouble, Hezekiah: 1) sought a word from the LORD (Is. 37:2), 2) got his priorities right (Ps. 37:4), and 3) began to pray (Is. 37:14-20).
- You are the Sovereign God over all nations (Is. 37:16).
- Prayer should always be about God’s namesake (Is. 37:20).
- When God’s people dig down deep, fruit will come (Is. 37:31).
Travis Agnew serves as the Lead Pastor of Rocky Creek Church in Greenville, SC. His most recent book is Just (About) Married.