July’s Focus: Calendar

It’s a new month and that means it’s time for a new focus for the leadership at Rocky Creek.  Each month, we are focusing on a specific area to really develop as a church body.  Just to catch you up, here’s what we have been focusing on at Rocky Creek:

  • January: Pastor – I am so thankful you allowed me to be your pastor!
  • February: Website – The staff did a wonderful job at overhauling the website and the content to equip you is growing on here by the day.
  • March: Services – We added an additional worship service and both of them are continuing to grow!
  • April: Guests – We created a “Next Steps” process that has served guests and members alike.
  • May: Leadership – We began the process of evaluating and equipping our staff and volunteer teams.
  • June: Campus – We focused on ways to make simple adjustments now and plan for future developments later that will cause us to be better stewards of the buildings God has entrusted to our church family.

July’s Focus: Calendar


In an established church, there are a lot of things on the calendar.  In addition, there are so many different ministries, there are many sub-calendars that can exist.  In a church, one ministry can be planning an event that can overlap or compete with another ministry’s event.

Our leadership is working to put together a year’s calendar that will include all weekly environments, seasonal courses, and special events.

We know you are busy, and we want to communicate with you well regarding the next year’s calendar so you can make adequate preparation in the areas of time, money, and commitment.

Our staff will work with ministry leaders as we compose this informative plan for the upcoming ministry year.

We will give out this calendar in August before school starts to provide our church family with all important dates and events for the next 12 months.

Please pray for us!